This is one of the cheapest properties that sold over the past 1 year within 2km of the subject property. Also, an extremely rare opportunity to purchase a property on 2 acre + lot!
Calling all handymen, contractors, and investors, 475 Lyndhurst is a perfect property for those looking to take on their next renovation project, and while requiring extensive renovations, also has amazing upside potential. This property is located within a 40 minute drive to Kingston, and is within driving distance to gorgeous waterfront views, campgrounds, the township of Lyndhurst proper, and many more nature oriented amenities. The majority of properties that sell within proximity are less than 0.5 acres and are vastly dated; however, this is your chance to purchase a large >2,400sqft above grade property with over 2 acres of land and also a large detached workshop.
This property is ready for your renovations and vision! There are many updates and renovations required including newer roof, electrical work, adding heating to the 2nd floor, replacing all windows, etc. However, with over a 300k+ spread and immediate equity upon purchase, there is a healthy margin for profits for investors.
With immediate upside on the purchase and endless potential with a large property and lot, this property will not be available long. Contact us today if you’re interested in placing an offer or learning more!
Comparable Sales:
There are not many comparables within the region with a similar size lot- majority of sold property lot size is less than 0.5 acres and properties are dated.
461 Lyndhurst Rd – $495,000 (Sold Aug 2021)
- Lot size: 0.72 acres (much smaller than subject property)
- 3 bed + 3 bath
- 1900 sqft above grade
- Brick and aluminum house
- Good condition interior throughout- some areas are dated, but requires light cosmetic renovations. We believe a renovated product can fetch much higher than this price
216 Lower Oak Leaf Rd- $895,000 (Sold Jun 2021)
- Lot size: 22 acres
- Vinyl/aluminum siding
- 3 bed above grade + 1 bed below grade + 2 bathroom
- Good condition interior – some areas are dated and cheaper (cheap kitchen and all laminate counter tops, dated flooring in some area, wall paper in some areas, basement if fully dated)
- 3 bed + 3 bath
- Large garage/workshop
- 1900 sqft above grade
- Brick and aluminum house
- Good condition interior throughout- some areas are dated, but requires light cosmetic renovations. We believe a renovated product can fetch much higher than this price